Monday, July 28, 2008

Study Week

We are on Study Week now.
Each semester has 13 weeks.

Communication studenys don't have any mid-exams...

So we don't have school on 'week 7'.
We call it 'Study Week'.

Well, we've got 18 assignments in this semester, stage 3.

We are in week 7 now and we've done just 5 assignmensts so far....

That means....after this week, 6 weeks left, we will submit 13 assignments....
We will study... should study..... have to study hard during this week.

okay now I'm doing an Marxism Essay due on Tuesday, week 8.
Length: 2000- 2500

I will do my best.....!


Lisa Ochame de Happy said...

you know what! Finally I've done the Marxism essay: ) It took long time to finish....Well, now I'm gonna start next one, the other essay about australian media for COMM318...never end....heaps assignments...'s yours going?

Livia and Lisa's blog.. said...

i'm going good as well,lisa..
now we are in week 9 already..13 assignments are waiting.
come on,,we can do it!:)